Updating your Client Revision Process

In our ongoing efforts of refining our post-production workflow and client revision process, we recently purchased a 55” OLED TV with a set of KRK Rokit speakers for an upgraded in-person revision process. We aim to make a better video production process to create high-quality videos and provide clients with a smooth and professional experience.

The OLED tv provided high color accuracy and perfect contrast along with wide viewing angles for multiple clients in a given revision session. Casting projects to the tv makes for a collaborative workflow that we use on a regular basis.

The KRK Rokit speakers have been an amazing addition to the studio for accurate audio output and high quality sound. The KRK Audio Tools app can:

“…assist with monitor placement, level matching, subwoofer level and crossover setting assistance, polarity, and EQ.” - KRK Systems

Why In-Person Revision Sessions?

While virtual platforms like Google Meet or Zoom offer convenience and flexibility, in-person revision sessions provide unique advantages that can enhance the post-production process. Video services can go beyond just remote check-ins. The ability to give and receive real-time feedback while physically present with the production team allows for a deeper level of engagement and collaboration.

Face-to-face interactions foster better communication, enabling clients to articulate their preferences more effectively and allowing editors to better understand and implement their vision. Additionally, the opportunity to sit down with the production team often includes access to specialized equipment such as color-accurate monitors and high-quality speakers, which ensures an accurate representation of the final deliverable and facilitates more precise adjustments.

In-person sessions offer the chance to build rapport and trust with the production team, fostering a stronger working relationship that can lead to more efficient and successful collaborations in the long run. Despite the convenience of virtual platforms, the unique benefits of in-person revision sessions make them a valuable option for projects where quality, communication, and collaboration are critical.

Best Practices for In-Person Revisions

Before your in-person revision session, there’s a few things to note/prepare for to ensure a smooth process. First, align with your production team on the goals and objectives for the session. This shared understanding will provide a clear direction and make the session more focused and productive.

Preparing a list of questions and notes on previous revisions can assist with streamlining the editing process. Having a clear idea of what aspects you want to review and having timestamps for specific edits can help expedite discussions. Additionally, making notes of the changes made during the session ensures that progress is tracked effectively and that all feedback is addressed.

Following the session, your production team will reach out to you to confirm decisions and provide updates on the progress of the revisions. Maintaining transparency throughout this process is crucial for ensuring satisfaction with the final edit. By following these best practices will ensure clear communication, you can maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your in-person revision sessions.


While virtual collaboration is common, in-person revision sessions offer immediate feedback and strengthen client relationships. Face-to-face interactions facilitate clearer communication, ensuring that client preferences are effectively understood and implemented. Not all production houses in Minneapolis offer in-person revisions. Having that feature offered is a great option to consider when planning out what the post-production process will look like. With these upgrades, we aim to maintain a balance between technological advancements and personal connections.


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